Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A letter from My God

I went to a women's retreat this past weekend and when we came in on Saturday morning this letter was sitting at our seats.

Do you realize that I came here to meet with you?
Do you have any idea how much I love you...how taken I am with you?
Do you know that I have never forsaken you...nor will I ever reject you?
Do you realize I knew everything about you the day you were conceived?
I anticipated your life and planned for it.
You do have an enemy...but it is not me.
He wants you to think it is.
I am for you!
Do you think you need to prove yourself lovable to me?
Deep down inside, are you trying to earn my love and attention?
As you strive to love Me more, do you realize the key to loving Me more
is to let me love you more?
Do you resist Me? Do you run from Me? Why?
To whom have you compared Me...and with whom have you confused Me?
I'm not like them.
I know what's happened. I know what's on your mind.
I know the plan for how this turns out well.
I alone know how to prosper you through this.
My eyes and My affections are on you right now.
Quit trying to be strong. Let Me be strong for you.
I love you unashamedly. Even now My banner flies over you.
Everyone in the heavenlies knows how I feel about you.
I'd leave you blushing over my love for you....
If you'd let Me.

My RADlets are learning love from me....I need to be learning love from Him!! He is perfect love. And perfect love casts out all fear.

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