I remember my mother asking me, "Do you want a spanking?!" Dumb question. But as a parent myself I have asked a lot of those kind of questions...."Do you want me to stop this van?!" "Are you going to eat those vegetables?" "What do I look like?" (I do not want to hear the answer to that one from my children!:)
There are questions in the Bible that can be added to this list. One of my favorite questions is in Exodus chapter 8; during the plagues when Moses asks Pharaoh to pick the time he should pray to God to get rid of the frogs. One would think that would be a no brain-er....NOW. But Pharaoh says....tomorrow. You've gotta be kidding! Why would you want to live with a frog invasion for one more night?! A seemingly dumb question with an absolutely crazy answer.
This morning in Sunday school we talked about another of those questions in the New Testament. In John chapter 5 Jesus is walking by the Pool of Bethesda, sees the crippled man, stops and asks him, "Do you want to be healed?!" That would be the only reason he would be laying there waiting for the waters to stir. Everyone by that pool had come there because they wanted to be healed. They looked at it as their last chance. These were the people that the doctors of the day couldn't do anything else for, they weren't getting any better but perhaps, they could find healing in this pool.
Do you want to be healed? I know that you may not be physically ill but we all have hurts, hang ups and habits that we need to be healed from. And sometimes the fear of changing; the fear of the unknown; is more scary than the hurt we are feeling at the time. We would rather stay in our comfort zone (as bad as it may be) than to leave the comfort of the know to be healed. You won't really change for the better until the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of change.
We have a RADlet that loves his comfort zone. He has had so many chances and yet I'm still not sure he's ready or even wants to be healed. This is a very sad thing for our family. We all want him to be healed. We are all right here to help him to be healed. We would do it for him if we could BUT it all boils down to his choices and his answer to this very important "dumb" question....do you want to be healed?!
I just have to say, I missed the Paraoh saying tomorrow when I read that! God always gives us something new. Also, I will be seeing that Pool this week!!! Oh gracious, I am getting a new kind of anxious!